Orgasm Talk

Dear Miss Velvet,

My submissive wife and I have been exploring and having fun with BDSM.  One thing that she wants is for me to continue to stimulate her after she has orgasm, almost like forcing her to have multiple orgasms while pushing the boundaries of that extra sensitivity.  We both enjoy playing this way, but I find myself unsure of what to say while I am teasing her and taking her to further climaxes.  Any advice?



Silence isn't Golden

Dear Silence,

How wonderful you all have found an activity that you both find fun and fulfilling!  Many folks find dirty talk during orgasm torture is key to making it fulfilling. Some people are sent into orbit when they are degraded, some when they are worshipped, some when they are encouraged, and some need something different still.  So the first thing I would do is sit down together and discuss what sorts of ideas, words, and phrases turn her on and can help send her over the edge.  The bonus of this conversation is it will get you both ready for a practice session!  To get you started, things that may be of interest:

  • Good girl!
  • You can take it, babygirl!
  • I know you can do better than that!
  • I think you have at least one more in you!
  • You are gorgeous when you cum!
  • Let's see how many times I can make you cum before you are a useless mess!
  • Mmmm look what a mess you are making!

Hopefully that will help get the conversation started.  Enjoy your continued exploration!

~Miss Velvet Steele

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