Dear Miss Velvet,
I found someone on Fet that I’ve known for years but lost touch with about 2 years ago. We have always had chemistry, and her list of kinks is exactly up my alley. Should I proceed to let her know I found her? How would I even let her know without creeping her out?
Not a Creep
Dear Creep,
Reach out to her on Fet. Keep it short, keep it simple, and just put it out there that you were excited to come across a familiar face in the giant lake that is Fet. Say you hope all is well with her and that you hope to cross paths sometime. Leave the ball in her court to decide whether to reply and whether to arrange a meeting. Then forget you ever saw her there.
Later, if you run into her out and about, do not bring up that you saw her profile, do not comment or ask about her kinks, and do not presume a newfound intimacy just because you have seen her list of kinks. At most say it is good to see her and you would love to grab a cup of coffee and catch up sometime. She will know that the door is open. If she chooses not to walk through it, you will have your answer about whether or not she wants to reconnect, and you will have it without seeming like a creep.
~Miss Velvet Steele